The Cold Shoulder Story & Interview


    Cold Shoulder is an upcoming band from San Francisco, California. The band consists of four talented members with a goofy sense of humor and passion for rock. They have recently released "Can you" on all music platforms which is definetley a MUST to listen to. With the influences of Grunge, early 2000's and hard rock their music is a musical experience that is exciting and thought provoking. Their overarching ambition is to bring rock that invokes the nostalgia of the music you love while bringing you a fresh new sound that is just as captivating.

Cold shoulder:
"Probably the best Cold Shoulder story thus far comes from a full day of filming a double music video. We had spent ten plus hours scouting the day before and then got to our location at like 5:30 am. We filmed two videos in one day (please don't try this at home ) and we ended in a spooky forest around midnight. As we were wrapping up in the dark we heard a noise. "RIGGGGGGGGGNNNNNNINGGGGG RIGGGGGGGGGNNNNNNINGGGGG GWAHHHHH" It was the sound of a chainsaw and we looked at each other, knowing that we were all about to die. Then, out of the clearing, emerged two dudes on those little bicycles with small motors on the side. Everyone started laughing, including the guys who spoke first and said "Man, we saw you guys and we were so scared!" In the end everyone breathed a sigh of relief.... It didn't make hauling the gear a mile back in several trips any easier "

The band will be releasing their much-anticipated self-titled debut EP on June 11th, 2021. So make sure to mark your calendars for Cold Shoulder's History in the making.


1.Where are you from and how would you describe your city?

We are from San Francisco, CA and it's an awesome city! There are many great venues and it's a great place to play at/explore.

2.Who has been your greatest support throughout your journey as a band?

One of the biggest benefits to being a band is that there's 4 of us to support each other. We hold each other accountable and we also support each other when it's needed. It may sound cheesy, but we as a group are there for each other and that's priceless.

3. At what age did you know you wanted to be an artist and how did you get started in the first place?

I think we've always known we wanted to be an artist. Marcus was that 3 year old that sang to strangers at the grocery store & Jacob and Jason grew up in musical families. Joe is the outlier and didn't gravitate towards guitar until he heard the Foo Fighters for the first time.

4.In your opinion who is the most influential and successful artist in your genre and why?

That's a great question! I think right now the most influential rock artist is Bring Me The Horizon. They always tend to reinvent themselves every album cycle.  BMTH crosses genres and blends things very well. Their last few albums seem to be the trendsetters as to what the "current" sound is.

5. How did all the members of Cold Shoulder meet?

We actually met through a Craiglist ad. Jacob (Drums) and Marcus (Vocals) were wanting to start a project together and found an ad of Joe (Guitar) and Jason (Bass) wanting to do the same exact thing.

Our first meeting was at a Chilis restaurant and that's where we decided to start the band. It seemed too good to be true, but it has worked out thus far. haha

6.How does Cold Shoulder separate itself from other bands?

We really focus on our fans and try to form real relationships with everyone that follows us and supports us. We are also goofy people and for some reason we like to share that with the world. haha

7. How do each of the band members  stay motivated and continue to music as musicians?

We are always trying to grow as musicians. Constantly challenging yourself and searching for new possibilities is extremely rewarding/motivating.

8.What aspect of the music-making process excites you most and what aspect discourages you the most?

We really enjoy the process of creating the music itself. It's a blast to tweak and try different things until your hair stands up. Nothing is too discouraging, but as fun as the studio is, there's a lot of pressure to preform to the best of your abilities. That can be stressful.

9. What was your inspiration behind your latest song " Can You?"

Can You is a song that touches on relationship struggles. The music is upbeat and fun but lyrically it goes into the challenge of having someone you love also be the person who can hurt you the most, and visa versa "Can you love me? Can you hate me?" I think everyone has had moments like that whether it be friends, family, or a loved one.

10.if you can describe your fans in one word what would it be and why?

Supportive! We have some of the most supportive fans and it's truly amazing. We consider our fans friends and it's been really awesome to get to know them on a more personal level.

11. How did the name "Cold Shoulder" come about?

Great question haha we went through that same process every band seemingly goes through where you come up with a bunch of names and then look it up and it turns out there's seven band that same name. We wanted to come up with something that sounded rock and roll while not shying away from our goofy, something fun. at cold shoulder seems to encapsulate that. We like to refer to ourselves internally as Hot Elbow.

12. What advice would you give to upcoming bands who are trying to pursue their dreams?

The biggest advice I could give to upcoming bands is to create as much music as you can and to have fun. We try to have as much fun as we can when creating the music, videos or even posting stuff on our socials.

Another huge piece of advice is to focus on the fans instead of the numbers. Having genuine 1:1 interaction with the fans is extremely fun and rewarding. When you solely focus on the streaming numbers it takes a lot of the fun away.

13. Where do you see the band in 5 years?

That's a tough one; hopefully we're touring the world and writing great music. I don't know if we've planned that far out, but touring the world would be the dream. Right now we're focused on releasing consistent music and trying our best to bring value to our fans.

14. What Albums, latest releases or singles are available to your fans and where can they be found?

Our newest single "Can You?" was released April 23rd. Our debut EP will release on June 11, 2021.

You can follow on Instagram for more day to day content:

Cold Shoulder/Instagram  

You can listen to/watch the "Can You?" video here:

 Cold Shoulder-Can you

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