The Quest Michaels Story & Interview


    A talented artist From the small town of Tacoma Wa is an artist on the rise. Quest Michaels began writing and producing music only 5 years ago and has finally decided to share his story and raw emotion with the public. This young man sings, raps and has lyrical talent to back it up , he focuses on the raw emotion and struggles of life in his tracks. If you have been through a heartbreak , depression or suicide then You may relate to his timeless and undying music. Some say he is the next generation of music itself.

1.Where are you from and how would you describe your city?

I am from Tacoma Wa , its described by the people as a place where you either love it or you feel stuck.

2.Who has been your greatest support throughout your journey as an artist?

my greatest support would be my family , friends and my supporters who listen to my music daily.

3. At what age did you know you wanted to be an artist and how did you get started in the first place?

I knew i wanted to be wealthy and have influence since i was a child , i realized i had a talent for music 5 years ago. it was when i was homeless in the streets with no one by my side, thats when i started. first as therapy and then i started to turn it in to my way of life.

4.In your opinion who is the most influential and successful artist in your genre and why?

In My Genre , i would have to say MGK , blink -182 , and juice wrld. they all have inspire me alot , just raw emotional music with a little bit of pop and punk. its controversial to be emotional and let the world see whats inside. i like that transperancy.

5.who would you like to work with in the future?

to be honest , i would love to work with post malone and NF , i feel like the music we create could heal many.

6.How do you separate yourself from other artists?

Emotion , Transparency , Real Raw Lyrics that touch the heart and soul.

7. How do you stay motivated and continue your music as an artist?

Honestly i have no idea, sometimes i wake up and stair at the ceiling and wonder why im alive. but in the end music is all i have , if no one listens my lyrics are my feelings , like a journal for the world to hear.

8.What aspect of the music-making process excites you most and what aspect discourages you the most?

the shows excite me the most , being able to listen to others scream my lyrics , knowing they have gone through there own trials and overcame to be there that day with me, i consider that a blessing.

9. What was your inspiration behind your latest song " Heartbroken?"

i am now sober for over 2 months , i have been fighting addiction , suicidal tendencies , and mental illness for as long as i can remember. heartbroken was my cry to get sober , letting my family know that if i dont make it not to be afraid. that death comes to us all one day.

10.if you can describe your fans in one word what would it be and why?

AMAZING! Anyone who supports me and listens to my music are family in my eyes.

11. What advice would you give to upcoming bands who are trying to pursue their dreams?


12. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

On a big property in texas with a wife and a family that i can support with my music alone.

13. What Albums, latest releases or singles are available to your fans and where can they be found?

"Be OK" has just released on all platforms! unfortunately we don't have a video at this time. But My music video for HeartBroken can be found on the youtube along with many more.


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