The BlackSheep Story & Interview


    Blacksheep is an upcoming talented and independent Artist from the Southside of Chicago. At age 24 he has used his personal music as a tool for self reflection & therapy. Blacksheep takes pride  in himself with his authenticity by story telling & poetic wordplay. Growing up he lost his father at the young age of 11 and best friend to suicide at 19. Throughout the years he has  used his loss and grief as fuel & self motivation. Blacksheep has dedicated his music to make people feel something real in order to help those in a way that music in return has helped him.

BlackSheep is not just an artist but a unique individual with a specific sound of emotion through his lyricism and energy that he creates. BlackSheep is definetley an artist to watch out for as he releases amazing music of self development and healing. You can watch Blacksheep's latest music video "Mixed Emotions" on youtube.


1.Where are you from and how would you describe your city?

Bridgeport, Chicago.  I would describe my city as a blank canvas. You can paint whatever world you want.  It breath’s opportunity

2.Who has been your greatest support throughout your journey as an artist?

Honestly my greatest support has been the internet. I never had management or a team. The most love I’ve received is from online . It’s funny how strangers embrace you

3. At what age did you know you wanted to be an artist and how did you get started in the first place?

When I was 12 years old . It started in subtle ways when I was 11. After my fathers death I started journaling my feelings. Those journals turned to poems & those poems turned to songs. I went from writing love songs to elementary crushes to becoming addicted to detailing to the world what I thought in my head.

4.In your opinion who is the most influential and successful artist in your genre and why?

In my opinion hands down I’d have to say Drake . Not only his longevity but with every album it’s a new world . I admire the engineering behind his work because in his creative process no rules apply. Not only his most recent accomplishments like artist of the decade but inspiring generations to come with his versatility. It sex’s the example never to box yourself in. 

5.who would you like to work with in the future?

I have a very ambient night time sound so ideally I’d love to create with Russ he’s always been a source of inspiration.

6.How do you separate yourself from other artists?

I think when you realize your only competition is yourself you remove all expectations to try to be different.  If your trying it’s not organic & real. Just be you & make the music you want to hear.  What will make you stand out is your passion and attentiveness toward your craft . People pay attention more than you think they’ll know & gravitate towards you if you do so.

7. How do you stay motivated and continue your music as an artist?

I think nature honestly when I feel In Tune with the world I feel more In tune with my emotions & thoughts . Nature calms me & balances me internally & it allows me to reflect how far I’ve already came by myself . Musics the only thing I’ve ever felt alive in . It’s more so about keeping it fresh & fun not a burden that’s when you create your best work .

8.What aspect of the music-making process excites you most and what aspect discourages you the most?

The part that excites me the most is when you first hear that new beat or a instrument & you just can’t get that sound or melody out your head . I love it because time disappears & I get lost in it.

The part I’d say I like the Least ironically enough is uploading it on the internet.  Because as a creative if we don’t get that validation from outside sources we give life to negative thoughts that we tell ourselves. Like we’re not good enough  because we didn’t get enough likes or repost . I’m just now learning that the music you make is for you. Showing the world is just a privilege not everyone’s going to love you . Love yourself & what you create . So I think as time progress more I’ll become less hard on myself.

9. What was your inspiration behind your latest song "Mixed Emotions?"

My first real relationship honestly. Growing up lacking love & my mother I don’t think I ever learned to deal with loving someone in the healthiest ways  or letting them in. Let alone holding myself accountable for living in a comfort zone emotionally. When I fell in love my life changed & I had to learn that it’s not just about you if you want your feelings to be important & hold value . The ones you hold close to your heart you have to reciprocate that energy & efforts.

 10.if you can describe your fans in one word what would it be and why?

Honestly I’m still learning my fan base but overall I’d say sensitive just like me. That’s why they connect because at one point in their life they’ve been hurt . So when I rap with detail about love or depression or early adulthood and life they connect because were all the same . We don’t have it figured out but we’re learning as we go.  My songs are just diaries for them to replay whenever they need advice. 

11. What advice would you give to upcoming artists who are                                 trying to pursue their dreams?

Being Consistent  & don’t waste away your 20’s.  The worlds attention span bounces around. Being consistent shows whoever takes the time to look at your work that you care . That you believe in yourself That your hungry.  & don’t waste away your twenty’s if your a creative your 20’s is about sacrifice & time management. Don’t spend your life regretting that opportunity you didn’t prepare for.  

12. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I see myself being nominated for best rap album of the year  & independently doing numbers. I see myself being impactful in my community & a business owner . The goal in 5 years is to increase my residual income & net worth & push the boundaries to my art to its full potential.

13. What Albums, latest releases or singles are available to                                your fans and where can they be found?                   

With in this last year I’ve released One Album  waiting rooms which was my highly anticipated album. That body of work detailed my journey through adulthood. &  I’ve released six singles from April to this March  . My most popular being Mixed Emotions & Rumor Has it . You can find me on Spotify & all streaming platforms u see Black sheep.  But my best release to date will be this late July with my new Album 18th Street.

BLackSheep's Album "18th Street" Available July 27th



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