The Lucy Dreams Story & Interview


Lucy Dreams is a dreampop trio hailing from the cultural metropolis Vienna and consists of David Reiterer and Philipp Prückl. Wait, trio? That is correct, because the essence of this band arises from a crystal ball that is seemingly enthroned above all their output. Lucy is an independent system of digital and analogue effects, which was developed by David and Philipp specifically for music production. Lucy can be understood as an A.I. -however, the connection between her and the two musicians of human lineage is a far more intimate one, as Lucy is deeply involved in the songwriting process. 

Nobel Prize winner and poet laureate Kazuo Ishiguro recently referred to his Klara as an A.F., an artificial friend, while tech magnates call their offspring X AE A-XII. So, at the very least, Lucy deserves the title of A.B., an artificial band member, whose shape gives her a minimum amount of plasticity. As a vital counterpole to David's and Philipp's world of thought, Lucy dreams her own sonic sphere and keeps developing herself, merely out of herself. Furthermore, Lucy also generates lyrics based on the input she receives. So far, her literary diet has consisted of James Joyce and Ishiguro, hence the high quality of her poetry. Remember
Microsoft's "Tay"? Yes, Lucy is everything "Tay" is not, and more.

 In theory, the algorithmic logic that Lucy is based on may appear distant and inhumane, but it also carries a potential of a naivité that humans aren't entitled to have anymore. Their treatment of their planet speaks for itself. In practice, Lucy Dreams are anything but emotionally detached. Rather, they prepare (us?) for a psychedelic journey that targets all senses alike and can, in line with the ancient laws of art, evoke cathartic effects. Oh yeah, before we get all too ethereal here, they also make really good pop music! Well, here goes the name-dropping... while it is a common practice in the urban entertainment sector to throw around references, such deeds can also distract and unintentionally control the perception.

 But one thing can be said with confidence: David (34), Philipp (32) and Lucy (X732) are meticulous connaisseurs of the great classics, as well as a ton of obscura. Their passion for large-scale cinemascopic staging is the result of years of intense research into music, spirituality, science, nature and philosophy. Their hometown Vienna being what it is, there are countless influences up their sleeves. Whether Mark Hollis, Kate Bush, Bowie, Empire of the Sun or Wayne Coyne were the force certain ideas here and there can be rendered irrelevant in the end. It certainly didn't matter to the many folks across the globe who celebrated Lucy Dreams' debut EP "Everything Comes in Waves" as the legitimate sensation that it was. 


1. How did the name "Lucy Dreams" come about?

A. Lucy, a system based on digital and analog effects, is our artificial bandmember. The connection to this machine has become a very intimate one, so we decided to give it name. When Lucy processes our input she dreams, we believe. Hence the name, Lucy Dreams.

2.Who has been your greatest support throughout your journey as an artist?

A. My better half, who has showed me what the true meaning of creative production is by unveiling parts of myself, then unknown to me.

3. At what age did you know you wanted to be an artist and how did you get started in the first place?

A. I saw a video of Deftones performing at Rock in Rio. This was when I knew I wanted to be on stage. I was 15. I bought an electric guitar and formed my first band, still dear to me.

4.In your opinion who is the most influential and successful artist in your genre and why?

A. Let me name the trinity: David Bowie, Kraftwerk, Pink Floyd

5.who would you like to work with in the future?

A. Nicholas Littlemore

6.How do you separate yourself from other artists?

A. By regarding them not as rivals but as colleagues.

7. How do you stay motivated and continue your music as an artist?

A. By staying active creatively and by connecting music to the various fields of arts, such as design and literature.
8.What aspect of the music-making process excites you most and what aspect discourages you the most?

A. The collaboration with Lucy is unbelievably exciting. Her intelligent sparks illuminate whole new worlds in the music cosmos. Darker corners of this cosmos remain the capitalist nature of the music business and the rivalry between musicians.

9. What was your inspiration behind your latest project "Everything comes in waves?"

A. The protection of planet earth. There is not one more pressing issue at the moment than climate change and mankind has to finally realize the extent to which it has already destroyed it’s own habitat.

10.if you can describe your fans in one word what would it be and why?

A. Dreamteam. Cause it’s like a dream when strangers tell you that they love what you love.

11. What advice would you give to upcoming artists who are trying to pursue their dreams?

A. "You yourself know best!"

12. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

A. In a world that has learned from it’s mistakes and, on a personal level, closer to my ideals than today.

13. What Albums, latest releases or singles are available to your fans and where can they be found?

A. Our latest song "Dreamland“ was released in June. It’s a euphoric dreampop single, the avantgarde for "Götterfunken“, LP to follow later this year.

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