The Civonnee Story & Interview


I’m Civonnee, a music artist, podcast host, & overall free spirit. I was born and raised in Richmond, VA where I began finding my love for the arts early. From singing in choirs, to cheerleading to jazz dance to tap dance to playing the violin to cotillion’s! I’m thankful for my mother getting my feet wet in so much because what’s the point to limit yourself? The average millionaire has 7 streams of income and I’m tryna be a big dawg too. 

Anyways, whether I’m singing some sexy or talking my shit on Civonnee’s Ceduction my goal is to end stigmas on sex + body Positivity, while not being enslaved to society’s “standards.” How dare you allow someone’s opinion that you don’t even know affect the way you love YOURself? It’s YOUR life & YOUR the only one that can live it so do be a favor and begin breaking free today! That’s 1 of the reasons I began rapping it’s like the beast from inside breaking lose to let certain emotions soar.

I have new everythingggg on the way so be sure to follow me everywhere @civonnee_ to stay updated & follow my podcast civonnees.ceduction for more tips, tricks, & sex education.


1.Where are you from and how would you describe your city?

 Richmond VA and the first word that comes to mind is “interesting” 

2.Who has been your greatest support throughout your journey as an artist? 

My mother hands down has been my greatest support through all my journeys. Whether I went from tap dancing to hip hop  to modeling to music. She always allowed me to get my feet wet in different activities and I’m forever grateful for that woman!

3. At what age did you know you wanted to be an artist and how did you get started in the first place?

I sang in the church choir growing up but Honestly 😂 I used to sing in front of the couch ALL the time, that was my imaginary audience. That began around about 8 years old, I want to say.  I grew up on older music like En Vogue, The Temptations, Marvin Gaye, Smokey Robinson, etc.

4.In your opinion who is the most influential and successful artist in your genre and why?

Erykah Badu hands down when it comes to singing because she has always been true to herself, regardless of who couldn’t relate. I mean let’s be real everyone isn’t going to understand you or your craft but as long as you do someone will.

Hmmm when it comes to my rapping, I would have to say Lil Kim because she is the one I remember seeing as a little girl and saying “wow she is free, sexy, and confident.” I never looked at women as hos because of an outfit, I look at that shit as empowerment because you should love the skin your in and wear whatever the hell makes you comfortable.

5.who would you like to work with in the future?

Wow so many. Sza, Meg, Lizzo, Da Baby, Erykah Badu, Rihanna, Russ, Joyner Lucas, J Cole.

Upcoming artists like myself that will one day be as big as all that I named. I have quite a few for this list too like elkridge Chase, Og illa (honestly would love to work with his entire team), Mizz D, The Hustle Hards, Agreen. I could of named many more but again it’s so many plus I have stoner brain so movingggg on. 

6.How do you separate yourself from other artists?

By just being me, being transparent with some of my testimonies with my supporters, dressing how I feel and not how society “thinks.” Some days I’m dressed like a homeless guy (no pun intended), a slut, an auntie, classy. I mean you just never know what you may get from me from my style, to my comedic side, to my music. I’ll fuck around & throw some spoken word at you after I done rapped to talk my shit & then sing your ass out your undies.


7. How do you stay motivated and continue your music as an artist?

Can I tell you a secret? I have no mother flipping idea, I just love everything I do so it drives me to figure it out, to keep going until I get to where I know I will be. (Yes I know I’m still going to have to work when I elevate but y’all get what I’m saying) It’s been times I’ve given up but the universe will speak, touch, & move you to the point that you just stop being timid & go back for it. You have to remind yourself that Rome really wasn’t built in a day, all influencers, music artists, government officials, principal of a school, etc began from the bottom or somewhere & worked their asses off to get where they felt they were destined to be. It’s what you put your mind to.

8.What aspect of the music-making process excites you most and what aspect discourages you the most?

Hmmm, when you have a producer that makes a beat from nothing in front you truly excites me. I start harmonizing, or spitting & when they hit you with that “oh yea” or “ hold up run that back” you just know y’all creating that fyee!

Honestly, writing because you never want to sound like a broken record, you always want to elevate with your bars, breathing, vocal range, and all that.

 9. What was your inspiration behind "pop it"?

Hahaha thinking about past experiences, I ain’t gonna lie I have been toxic. Good heart but once you do me wrong or sometimes I’ve been toxic from lack of attention, and energy not being reciprocated. But they always would come back! I was always so crazy, so this, but every time they would come back it was something different & they missed me. 🥴 So I say all that to say I was bragging on that cat because ladies if you have that come back you should!

Fun Fact:
Pop it was written about 3 years, it was originally out for just promo on a different beat was put on an original beat & released March 2021. Be sure to check out the music video on my YouTube channel.

10.if you can describe your fans in one word what would it be and why?

 Loving because when I put up a testimonial post, certain story about being sad, or dealing with bipolar depression. The love be real in my dm from a decent amount of my followers from saying how I’ve inspired to lifting me up with motivation & I really don’t think they understand how much I appreciate it & how it motivates me.

11. What advice would you give to upcoming artists who are trying to pursue their dreams?

To never put themselves inside of a box & if you feel like it’s “weird” you should definitely go with it. Weird is just another word for unique if you ask me plus if we all were the same I’d be fucking bored!

12. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I see my music flourished & thriving, performing all over, a modeling/influencer contract, traveling motivational speaking with my podcast Civonnee’s Ceduction, ( We embrace sex + body Positivity x sex education. We talk about the real that needs to be talked about, we joke, we cry, we raw) married, 2 kids, abundance of health, wealth, & success for me & mines.

13. What Albums, latest releases or singles are available to your fans and where can they be found?

Pop It & Money Is All I Need is out now on all platforms. (Spotify, Apple, Intunes, tiktok, etc)

These songs are honestly slight work to what I have in the cut being worked on. I’ve been behind the scene working on my vocals and cannot wait to share them with my fans 100%. I’m not going to cut the rapping out all together BUT it will be a transition when the time is right that I feel in my soul my supporters are going to love as much as I love and appreciate them. Stay tune & be sure to follow me on IG & everywhere @civonnee_

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