The Sean Mac Story & Interview

Sean Mac is a rap artist who grew up in Malverne, New York, a small town on Long Island. His amazing music journey began at my college, Penn State. A couple of Sean's good friends were making beats and producing to the point where Sean  started to get more and more involved. Ever since he graduated from college his road to being an artist has continued on.

The source of Sean Mac's music creativity and lyrics stems from the struggles he began in his early college years. He struggled with bad anxiety at school, and eventually began to have bad depressive episodes. These both controlled his whole life which was the moment when he used music to take it back. Sean Mac's lyrics and songs are full of deep emotion, honesty, and pain But all for good reasons. His music has helped people overcome mental health issues and hopes to make others feel less alone in the world.

Sean Mac began music with zero experiance in song-writing, producing, mixing, etc, But Sean and his incredible team have proved that they know what they are doing when it comes to production and marketing. In just over 12 months of having music released Sean Mac has grossed almost 600,000 streams on Spotify alone. It's only a matter of time until more people begin to notice his presence.


1.Where are you from and how would you describe your city?

I now live in Point Lookout, New York. It is a small beach town on the south shore of Long Island

2.Who has been your greatest support throughout your journey as an artist?

My greatest support has been my engineer/best-friend, Stepo. He has a music knowledge that far surpasses anyone I know and I wouldn't be producing professional-level sounding songs without him.

3. At what age did you know you wanted to be an artist and how did you get started in the first place?

I only started making music about 2 years ago, at age 22. I had recently graduated from Penn State and didn't know what I was doing. My friends were producing at the time for fun, and I just started getting more and more involved. At the same time I had been dealing with a lot of mental health struggles (mostly depression) and music was an easy outlet for me, and I was a natural at it.

4.In your opinion who is the most influential and successful artist in your genre and why?

To me, one of the most influential and successful artists in my genre was Lil Peep. I make a lot of bedroom/cloud-rap type music, which Peep pioneered. He was the first person in my eyes to really make emo/rap and crossover punk sounds of our childhood with new sounding trap drums, etc. He is from the beachtown. Longbeach, just a town over from where I live now.

5.who would you like to work with in the future?

The artist at the top of my list right now is 347aidan. We have very similar styles and we would make such a dope track together,

6.How do you separate yourself from other artists?

I pride myself on the honesty in my lyrics. My slogan is "making honest music." because every aspect of my music is true. I am a man of my word.

7. How do you stay motivated and continue your music as an artist?

The best way for me to stay motivated and work on music is being aware of the world around me and not getting caught in my own POV. When I take a second to think about my blessings and the amount of help other people need, it motivates me a lot to work harder. I try my best to recognize all the pain in certain people that I can identify with in that moment, and I then try to see if there is anything I can do to help that demographic of people with my music.
8.What aspect of the music-making process excites you most and what aspect discourages you the most?

I get most excited about collaborating with new artists and hearing their ideas. Every one of my songs is very different, but when you have a new artist in the studio, you share ideas that you never would have thought of yourself, and something good usually comes from it. My least favorite part of the process is deciding how I want the overall final mix of my song to sound. There are so many ways to mix your song depending on preference and I often go back and forth second-guessing myself on this step. Different artists prefer different sounds, and I haven't found the one I like best.

9. What was your inspiration behind your latest album "MANIC?"

For "MANIC," my inspiration was my Bi-polar Disorder. I am bi-polar so I go through mood swings constantly. The more dramatic of the two moods is "depression," which is what I normally write my songs about. A lot of them have sad context and talk about depressive episodes I've had in the past. So for my new project, I wanted to do the opposite and finally talk about when I have Manic Episodes and feel really good about myself. I felt this offered more insight into the type of disorder I live with and how it affects me all of the time.

10. If you can describe your fans in one word what would it be and why?

Genuine, supportive and kind. The only types of people that have reached out to me have been nothing but kind to me, and supportive of my goals. A ton of people have told me how much they identify with my music and just wish for nothing but success. Its still a small fanbase, but I couldn't ask for better support.

11. What advice would you give to upcoming artists who are trying to pursue their dreams?

Be the best at whatever it is you are trying to do. Dont compare yourself to other artists who may be more or even less successful than you. Everyone achieves success at different rates, and for different reasons. So focus on your own goals and eventually you'll start seeing results.

12. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

In all honesty, in 5 years I think I'm going to be a very well-known artist. In only about 14 months I have made more progress with my music than I could've imagined. I haven't even performed a show yet and I have loyal listeners every release I drop. I haven't decided yet If i want to ever sign with a Label, but before even another 2 years is up, Labels are going to want to sign me, guaranteed.

13. What Albums, latest releases or singles are available to your fans and where can they be found?

I have 2 EP's and 9 Singles that you can listen to on all platforms! (Spotify, Apple Music, Youtube, Amazon Music, etc.)



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