The Spaceman Zack Story & Interview


While music can be fun and games for some, it can just as easily be therapeutic for others. When Dallas, Texas native SpaceMan Zack decided to give up sports in order to join the choir and pursue his one true passion of music, his relationship with his family was strained more than he could have ever imagined. With this, his crippling anxiety and depression, and a substance abuse issue that began when he was just 14, Zack knew he needed to find an outlet. Luckily, whenever everything around him seemed to be falling apart, music was always the one constant in his life that he could rely on.

Although it wasn’t until 2019 that Zack truly began to gain traction with his music, he had actually begun rapping back in 2017, so the years of experience helped him sharpen his skills and hone in on his craft. While 2019’s “Crying Tonight” might’ve been his breakout single, he continued his hot streak throughout the year with hits like “Coke in the Bathroom” and “Drugs in the Rain” before releasing his debut album WICKED at the top of 2020. This truly sent his career to the moon as he has since garnered over 225,000 monthly listeners, 22.15M total streams, and 25.5K Spotify followers, alongside a deal with United Talent Agency and a partnership with Twitch. At the end of the day, Zack’s goal is to help those who feel uncomfortable in their own skin realize that they’re not alone and that there are others out there that understand and love them just the way they are.



1.How long have you been doing what your doing and how did you get started in the first place?

 I started making music when I was like 12 I think. I know I was pretty young, I started really as a hobby to let out emotions that I didn't know how to deal with, it was like therapy. Over time it developed into something more serious like a passion/career! 

2.Whats the craziest thing that has happened on tour?

This is a tough question but the craziest thing to happen to me on tour is probably being in finland outside of the venue and watching a party bus of people pull up and when it unloaded someone saw me and started like screaming. That was pretty cool. Also when I was playing in Toronto and found out that people were sneaking into the venue early to try and see me. So I went out and hungout in line with them for a while. Was a pretty amazing experience. 

3.Who are your top 5 influences growing up?

 Top 5 influences is tough too because there was so many. But musically I would say i was very influenced by like Nelly, Lil Wayne, Green Day, Ive always been a huge Elton John fan, umm Blink 182 for sure, And definitely Peep for sure. RIP <3 

4.Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

 In 5 years I dont really know where I see myself. Id hope to be on the road touring and playing music. You know I just wanna make music and have fun and make some money to help take care of my family. And I just wanna reach and help as many people as I can with my music!  

5.How do you separate yourself from other artists?

 I feel like I separate myself from a lot of other artists with just trying to be 100% authentic. And thats not to say that other artists arent but like I just want my fans to know that like, im just a normal dude who got lucky enough to have some people like his music. And im so appreciative of that! 

6.Who has been your biggest support throughout your journey as an artist?

Biggest support would probably be from my manager/videographer/friend T.Aubrey. I genuinely dont know where id be without him. No Aubrey No Smz. Also my mom has always been someone thats supported and believed in me and helped me through my bad mental health days which im so grateful for. Love you Mom. 

7. How do you prepare mentally before each and every show?

 Crazy thing is i still have major stage fright. So before shows i have lots of nerves. Trouble eating and major anxiety. I dont really know if i have a specific way to get ready. I usually just listen to the songs ill be performing a bunch of times and remind myself im gonna have fun and put on a great show. And then when the music starts for my set all my nerves just fade. Its pretty cool!

 8. How do you find inspiration when it comes to writing a song?

 All of my songs are written from something I am either currently going through, or have been through. I started music as therapy when i was young but it still very much is the same now. 

9. If you can describe your fans in one word what would it be and why?

 If i could describe my fans in one word it would probly be "Caring" ive honestly had so many experiences of my fans reaching out to me to see if i was doing okay or needed anything. And that is amazing because i already owe them my whole career so for them to genuinely care about me is really nice. 

 10.If you can choose one dream collab, who would it be and why?

If i could choose a dream collab id have a tough time deciding. Id really love to work with Elton John because ive listened to him since a kid. But also my favorite rapper currently is Lil Uzi Vert. And i would really love to work with him. 

11.What do you hope to accomplish in 2022?

 In 2022 i hope to just keep having fun and making great music. Id like to tour again and meet as many fans as i can. Meeting them is really the greatest part of this job. 

12. How did your name Spaceman Zack come about?

 When i was younger i was rapping by my real name which is Zack Miller. At one point i knew i needed to change it and come up with a stage name, at that time i put out a song titled "SpaceMan" and i didnt have much of a fanbase at this time but someone reached out to me on twitter and said "Hey you are that spaceman guy right?" and from there i just started calling myself spaceman. It just stuck with me! 

13.How would you like to be remembered at the end of your career?

 At the end of my career i wont lie id love to have plaques and break records, but more importantly id like to be remembered as a dude who just genuinely loved his fans and wanted to make the best music he could and help as many people as he could. 

14. What has been a great challenge in your music career and how did you overcome it?

 I think the greatest challenge in my career is the same that everyone faces as an artist. (Hate, struggling with negativity) You know when i first started this SpaceMan thing i didnt really have much self esteem, so to see hateful comments on the internet really effected me as a person. But learning to focus on the positives really helped me and taught me that no matter what you cant please everyone. As long as you show love to the ones who show it to you everything is okay. 

15. What advice would you give to someone who is trying to pursue their dreams as an artist?

 The biggest advice i can give is just do it. You can always find a million reasons why you shouldnt start yet, (no professional equipment, dont know much about mixing, ect.) But i mean when i started i had an old laptop with a free recording software from the internet and the microphone i took from the rock band video game. and i made music until i had resources to upgrade. But if you dont just start then you never really will. Also just have fun. Dont make music for anyone but yourself make what you want to hear and make, thats all that really matters


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