The Rafael Castillo Story & Interview


Born on May 10, 1995 in Atlanta, GA to Dominican immigrants, Rafael D. Castillo and Yraida Jacobo, Rafael Castillo grew up in a multicultural world. Being raised in a heavily Hispanic household, living life all over Atlanta, and eventually Miami he grew up with many different influences that contributed to his character. Castillo's interest in the entertainment industry came into realization after he and his best friend created, wrote, acted in, edited, and directed a mini-series for his high school's morning announcements titled "C'Mon Man!".

 His life of sports came to an end, when he decided to leave college football, and instead take a risk by pursuing a career in acting. He began taking classes at The Miami Acting Studio under director/coach Ralph Kinnard, and was trained in the "Lee Strasberg" method. The classes eventually led to Rafael's first role ever as "Mike" in Kinnard's feature film "Miami Love Affair" starring the late Burt Reynolds. From then on he fell in love with art and dove head first into his craft. After a year of student/independent films he landed his first television role as "Big Josh" in BET's "The Quad".

Outside of acting Rafael has a passion for writing as well. He has been writing poetry since he was in high school and performing since 2016. His passion with poetry and performance led to an interest in screenwriting. After taking a class in 2017, Castillo started writing multiple shorts, as well as web-series', due to the lack of opportunity he saw in Miami for actors that looked like him.

 He aims to be able to fund his own ideas and other stories as his career as an actor grows. He hopes to one day see himself attached with the titles "Director, Producer, Actor, and Writer".



1.Who has been your biggest influence when it comes to your career as an actor?

I have many influences, honestly.. but I'll give you my top 3. Will Smith, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Jonah Hill. All for different reasons, Fresh Prince was the first thing that I ever watched that successfully made me feel all emotions. It made me understand that that's what I wanted to do for people. It made me want to act. 

Will is a giant in this industry and his mentality is something that I will always admire. Leo is just my GOAT. He can do anything in my eyes. Never ceases to amaze me, man. He's just different. And Jonah Hill is just a talented creative overall. Mid90s is one of my favorite films. 

The reason I look up to him the most though? In an industry that tells you you have to look, and present yourself a certain way, Jonah has just been himself, and is killing it every step of the way. AND HE'S VERY UNDERRATED! That man can ACT. I'd love to work with him. All 3 of them are Giants to me.

2.Who has been your greatest support throughout your journey?

My greatest support is my family. I owe all my success (Current and future) to Yraida, Max, Erwin, and Daira. Without my mom, and my 3 siblings, I'd be nothing.

3. At what age did you know you wanted to be an actor and how did you get started in the first place?

I knew at an early age, probably around 9-10. Even when sports were at the forefront I'd always tell myself "I want to be like the rock! He wrestles, and you see him in movies." That's what I wanted, to be successful in my sport, but also act in movies. I didn't actually get started until way later though. After coming back home from playing college ball, I took my first acting class on 12/15/15. That day changed my life forever.

4. What are some of your goals for 2022?

I just want to act lol I mean I have my specific goals of course, but those I'll keep to myself. Overall, I just want to find more success in this career, and to be given opportunities to show the work I've been putting in, and the things I've learned. Lastly, I wanna be better than I was last year.

5.who would you like to work with in the future?

I have a wholeeeee list. Jonah Hill, Will Smith, and Leonard DiCaprio are at the top of it though. More than anything though, I want to create with my people. Build something from the ground up, you know?

6. What was the process into transforming yourself into your role in BMF?

Really just learning the story. Knowing who these men were, and what they did. Then seeing how my character fit into the story. Also, getting an understanding of the times as well. Our series takes place in 80s Detroit, it's very specific.

7.How did your passion for writing poetry start and how has it evolved over time?

Ha! This is actually funny. My senior year I had my first "Heartbreak". (I laugh cause when I look back at it it was such a dramatic moment.) But in that moment, I started writing a note on my iphone, and by the time I was done I realized it rhymed. So I texted it to my writer friend, and he was like this is a poem, and I just kept it going. 3 years later, I performed on stage for the first time, and it just kept going from there.

8. What aspect of the Acting process excites you most and what aspect discourages you the most?

What excites me the most is telling really dope stoies. Also, getting to play, and discover things about the character I'm playing in said story. I also love how it all makes me feel. When I'm acting nothing else matters, I'm at peace. It's like I'm flying...

 What discourages me the most? I never feel too discouraged. There are moments where I think "Oh wow, there's not a single person here who looks like me", but immediatly after my thought is "I'll be the first.". I feel very positive about my career, and where I'm headed. I guess the times I feel discouraged are when I see my heros perform.

 I have moments where I ask myself will I ever be THAT good, but all I can do is work hard, and be the best me. So I don't invest in those thoughts.

9.In your opinion, How would you define Success?

That's a great question... When I can retire my mom, and buy her her dream house, I have succeeded. I also hope to inspire, and change many lives on the way.

10.if you can describe your fans in one word what would it be and why?

I'm not even sure I have fans, but a lot of people show me love, and I'm grateful for it. I'd describe them as supportive.

11. What advice would you give to upcoming Actors/Actress who are trying to pursue their dreams?

Believe in yourself. Always, no matter what. Take classes, learn the craft. Always keep going, success is found through consistency.

12. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Directing, Writing, and Producing my own stories. And somewhere on the silver screen.

13. In an interview with Voyage MIA you spoke about playing football, We all know sports require discipline. Do you think your Discipline on the field prepared you for your Acting career?

Absolutely, It has helped me with acting in many ways. Having to wake up at 5am to do lifts/sprints at 6am, practice in the afternoon, and film study after... It has almost directly transferred to the way I approach acting. Because of the work I had to put in all my football life, I have no problem with putting in the same with acting. It's habitual. Football is also a game where you have to have short term memory. Things move so fast that you don't have the luxury to dwell on your last mistake.

 The next play is coming, and that's gotta have all of your attention. Acting is the same way, we can't chase perfection but you can live in the moment. We have to give our best efforts, and move forward, we gotta understand not every performance will be flawless, and even when we do great it won't resonate with everyone. Do your best, love the game you play, and always move forward. Not sure if that makes sense, but that's how I understand it.

14.What has been your greatest challenge throughout your career and how did you overcome it?

The greatest challenge is the constant rejection. It's really hard at first, then you get used to it, then it becomes hard again. It's a constant thing you'll face. I still struggle with it sometimes, but as I've grown in my career, I have slowly been able to adjust my mindset when it comes to working. I no longer attach my success to the booking. There are so many reasons why you don't book a job.

 Most of which have nothing to do with your acting ability. When I understood that, I understood that that's not something that's in my hands. It's not something I can control. What is? Getting better. Growing. Building with those around you. Being happy with the auditions you send out That's what I chose to attach my idea of success to. It's been working.

15.How would you like to be remembered at the end of your career?

A kind performer, who truly cared about his craft, and was damn good at it. I hope to change lives, and inspire many through what I do. I want my name to stand the test of time.


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