The Etherio Noon Story & Interview
Hello my name is Etherio Noon. I’m a creative artist from Chicago. I’m a model, singer, actor, dancer, poet, songwriter, and fashion stylist. I’m a very energetic guy. I’m down to earth with a loving and universal personality. I’m very genuine and compassionate and I always exude positive vibes. I’m very creative and talented.
I been singing and modeling since I was 7 and I’ve been making music since I was 18, love rnb music. I grew up on old school music because my mother of 9 children had every era of music playing in our household. I grew up on Michael Jackson, the temptations, Motown, new edition, babyface, Anita baker and etc. I love old school music and I also like new school music as well, depending on the artist. I feel like I’m the bridge between the two
1. How did you get started in the world of Modeling?
I got started in modeling in when I was 7 years old. My granny got me into it. I was a student at Cleo’s Johnson modeling school for years and I did shows at different places with Cleo Johnson throughout the years. One of the big places was called “the sabor room” in chicago.
2. What are some of your workout routines that helps you maintain such a great shape?
Well my workout routine is very intense. I always do supersets whenever I workout because it helps me work on more than one muscle area and it makes me gain more muscle. For instance I’ll do two workouts in one set, I’ll bench press 12 reps and then right after that I’ll dumbbell flys.
3. What do you like most about your profession and what are some things that discourage you the most?
What I like most about modeling is the freedom and joy that comes with it. Being in front of the camera and becoming art in motion is very dope to me, I also like getttimg paid to do what I love as well so that makes it even better. The one thing that discourage me sometimes is that I feel like my style is so unique that a lot of markets might not know how to market me and since they not use to my hairstyle they’ll prolly turn the other way. But I stay focused and ready regardless.
4. .In an Interview with Voyage ATL you announced that you released your first music project called "After Noon". What was the inspiration behind After Noon?
The inspiration behind my project “After Noon” is based on my last name and also my concept of time. “Noon” is my last name so after noon is about how a person becomes a better version of themselves AFTER meeting Noon (me) so “After Noon you’ll see the world from a new perspective “ also it’s about living in your own time and not the redundancy of the time we’re living in. It’s about living in divine time and not society time. That’s what the 9’s represent.
5. Who has been a huge influence when it comes to your passion for music and why?
My biggest influence in music has been a few people. DVSN, Kyle dion, and lucky daye. They inspire because they music represent everything that I love when it comes to art. They are genre less when it comes to traditional rnb and they lyrics, vocals, storytelling, production and everything is just top tier to me. I listen to them Everyday.
6.who would you like to work with in the future when it comes to your music?
I would love to work with all 3 of them. DVSN, Kyle dion & lucky daye.
7.Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I see myself signed as a music artist, signed as a model in London & New York, I see myself in the GQ magazine and signing six figure deals and being a influencer worldwide.
8. Who has been your greatest support throughout your journey ?
My biggest supporter has been my oldest brother antione, he always encourage me and tell me that my music is great. I love his support.
9.How would you like to be remembered at the end of your career?
I would like to be remembered as someone that changed lives for the better. Someone who made a positive affect on nature and was a being that looked to help others just like nature does. I wanna be remembered as the Great Etherio, who was one of the most creative beings on earth.
10. If you can describe your fans in one word what would it be and why?
I would describe my fans as “Love” because that’s what it is when fans indulge in you. It’s a beautiful thing.
11.What are your top 3 accessories you can't live without?
My top 3 accessories I can’t live without is my phone, my laptop, and my car.
12..What advice would you give to someone who is trying to pursue the world of Fashion modeling?
My advice would be staying consistent, you can tell somebody no once but as long as you keep going it won’t be a no forever because the opposite exist as well so a yes will come if you stay consistent. You have to stay disciplined to elevating and getting better at everything you do. Persistence is definitely one of the top things you need for the fashion world.
13.What are some of your goals you are looking forward to accomplish in 2022?
My goals this year is to get signed in New York &(or) La, I want to drop my second musical project this year too, I also want to get casted for a TV show and I want to sign a six figure deal with modeling or music. These are my goals for this year.
14. what are some qualities you need in order to succeed in the fashion world?
Some qualities you need to succeed in modeling is strong minded, open mindedness, high standards, class, grace, braveness, and persistence.
15. .How do you prepare mentally before a photo/Video shoot?
How I prepare before a photoshoot is drinking water, breathing and telling myself “I do this” and then I go in front of the camera and rock out. Water and breathing is so important. It’s key to staying calm and not overthinking. Always remember, you are your mindset. Be positive!
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