The YacoBucci Story & Interview


Los Angeles, CA (Alternative Pop/Rap) Camden Owen Yacobucci, better known as "YacoBucci", is an American musician born and raised in Akron, Ohio. Yacobucci started recording his own music by the age of 17 and released his first mixtape "Strong Static" under his previous stage name, "Lil Yac". On this release date of his debut mixtape, his whole high school was loving his music. Soon after, Yacobucci moved to Brooklyn New York to study Criminal Justice at St. Francis College. Everyday after his classes, Yacobucci would perform and record new music. 

He often street performed in front of thousands of strangers in places like Times Square, the subway, The Brooklyn Bridge, etc. This got his stage presence better and better and he soon started performing in small venues. Yacobucci dropped out of college after his first semester in 2018 to pursue his dream in music. He then moved to Los Angeles to take his career to the next level. Yacobucci pushes himself everyday to make the best music possible and never looks at quitting as an option. With this mindset he soon could see progress in his music. 

His listeners started to go up, and his fanbase is expanding everyday in new cities and countries.

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1.How long have you been doing what your doing and how did you get started in the first place?

I have been making music seriously for about four years. Music has always been in my life. I was in the high school marching band but didn't really enjoy playing other peoples music so after school I would go home and make my own.

2. What song of yours specifically has been the most personal to you and why?

My song "Dear Josh" will always be the song that hits closest to home. I wrote it the night I found out my friend from my hometown had taken his own life. I was lost, confused, and in disbelief. The only thing that felt right was to sing out my feelings. I wrote that not only for Josh but also for people like him who are going through what he did. I wanted to save them before it's too late. 

3.Who are your top 5 influences growing up?

Logic, MGK, Kendrick Lamar, Drake, and Billie Eilish.

4.Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I try to take my career day by day and let god do the rest but if I had to guess I would be comfortably making profit from my music. I pray these songs and money from my music can help shape the world for the better. If five years from now I am blessing others than I am truly happy.

5.How do you separate yourself from other artists?

I can never quite describe my genre to people who ask. I try new things all the time so it is very very hard to put a label on my music. I also think a lot of artists are not as real as they could be. I will always stay myself and try to connect with people on a personal level past music. This is why I make vlogs. I use them to share my journey. I want to show the world that anyone can follow their dreams and succeed. All you have to do is believe.

6.Who has been your biggest support throughout your journey as an artist?

My mom and my dad. I can't go anywhere without them talking to people about my accomplishments. It really warms my heart to see that I make them so proud. One day I will give them the life they deserve for believing in me. 

7. How do you prepare mentally before each and every show?

I always have a certain routine before I go on stage. Usually throughout that day I will watch other bands/artists that inspire me perform live on Youtube. I do this so I can learn certain tricks and tips to engage the crowd and make my shows so much better overall. I will then usually talk with friends to get my mind off of the night. I will then do my vocal warmups and after that I will pray with my family before we hit the stage.

8. How do you find inspiration when it comes to writing a song?

I usually find inspiration in simply living. If I am happy I'll write about what makes me happy. If I am sad I'll write about what makes me sad. I also take inspiration from other artists. I try to not look at them as competition because we all have so much we can learn from one another. We can all win.

9. If you can describe your fans in one word what would it be and why?

Outcasts. I will always stand by those who are different or those who think different. I preach these things in my lyrics and I live by this. Being who you are and doing what you love is what I am all about. Cause I'm "Feeling like an outcast, but it's alright".

10.If you can choose 1 dream collab, who would it be and why?

Machine Gun Kelly. I know one day we will make amazing music together and I also know this because we share a lot in common. Both from Ohio, both not taken seriously for so long, and both just different in this world. I think I want to collab with him so badly because I can relate to him the most.

11.What do you hope to accomplish in 2022?

My goal by the end of the year is to quit my part time job!

12. How did your name Yacobucci come about?

Yacobucci is my last name. I represent my family when I put that name on music, clothing, banners, etc. I want our name to become a legacy. I want people to hear our name and be filled with joy from what it has brought them.

13.How would you like to be remembered at the end of your career?

 want people to remember me as that guy who brought back hope to this cold world. Someone who showed us that with love and music we can change the way we live for the better. I just really want to save lives through my words and my resources this career can give me. I'm not just doing this for me, I'm doing it for us.

14. What has been a great challenge in your music career and how did you overcome it?

A big challenge for me is myself. I know it sounds corny but I get scared that I work way too hard sometimes. I push myself to the breaking point and I need to get better with making time for myself and my mental. It's not fair if I sing about taking care of yourself if I don't even do that.

15.If you could choose another profession besides music what would it be and why?

I would probably be in the S.W.A.T so I can still save lives. This used to be my main plan after school but then I realized music can save billions without any violence at all!


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