The Nature Musiq Story & Interview



1. At what age did you know that you wanted to be an artist and how did you get started in the first place?

 Music has always been a huge part of my life growing up. I would learn my multiplication through rhymes when I was younger, which just led into more things. I would always hear stories of my father when he was younger and rapping and it intrigued me alot. So of course I began trying to rhyme because it just seemed fun and enjoyable. My father would write rhymes for me to memorize and we would literally go over it everyday

I would say it wasn't until the age of 12 that took music seriously and wanted to create a career out of it 

2. Who has been your biggest support throughout your journey as an artist?

 My biggest support has definitely been my pops. He would always be the first person I show a new rap to, just to see his opinion. And as the years continued, he's just became more and more proud with the things I've been able to create for myself. 

3.How do you prepare mentally before each and every show?

Just try my best to keep a clear mind honestly. Shows are a chance for me to showcase my talent and connect with people, so I make sure to always provide that.

4. What song of yours has been the most personal to you and why?

It's a song that I have on Soundcloud titled, "They Already Know" It's a track I wrote, mixed and mastered for me and my pops. It was just a full circle moment to write a song for someone who used to write my music. Still a top 3 song in my opinion honestly

5 What do you like most about the music making process and what discourages you the most?

 I love just being able to express what I'm currently feeling into art that other people can enjoy. It's a sense of therapy for me and could be therapy for others. Not much discourages me when it comes to creating music, but would just say, hoping people understand the message and could respectivelate to it.

6. Who are some of your biggest influences and why?

I feel like my influences change as I continue growing, because as you go on you find influences that help or match with your time. I would say currently, a major influence to me would be Larussell. He basically does what I do, but just on a bigger scale. He's a model for "if you want something, then go get it." And it motivates me when it comes to my own work

7.What are some things you have learned throughout your music career that has been very beneficial to your career as an artist?

 CONSISTENCY! If you keep up with your work on a consistent basis, there's no way you won't make any noise. Consistency will always outlive skill in my opinion

8 How did your name "Nature Musiq" come about? Any significance behind the name?

I wanted to change up my rap name from what it used to have when I was younger. So I had a conversation with my pops and basically told him I wanted to have a rap name inspired by a superhero or something along those lines. So he did some research and came back with the name "Nature Boy" So I liked how it sounded and I went to just name myself. "Nature" Only issue is there was a rapper back in the day with the name already and I didn't want to have the same name as someone else. So I decided to just add "Musiq to the name to help separate it. I've always wanted to have my rap name be my actual name or something similar to it, but my actual name just isn't cool enough.

9 Where do you see yourself in 5 years and what do you hope to accomplish?

 In 5 years hope to see music become my main career and job. To be able to
support and help my family to what believe we all deserve. And an amazing fanbase.

10. How do you want to be remembered at the end of your career?

 I just want people to always know  I gave my all to everything I did. I never want to be remembered as just BS'ing my way through everything But I want people to know I always bussed my ass

11. What artists would you like to work with in the future and why?

I could make a list for days of people I want to work with. Top 3 that come to mind would be Larussell, Amine & J Cole. I respect all their art and creativity and would be honored to be on something with them.

12. What was the inspiration behind your latest EP ""Visions?"

Visions EP was definitely a project that I wanted to test myself vocally. From just being a strictly rap, rapper. I wanted to mess around with melodies and singing. So I definitely tried giving all the vibes on the project.

13. What advice would you give to someone looking to pursue a career in music?

 To just literally DO IT! You won't know if you're bad or good if you never share it to the world for critiques. And critiques are nothing but suggested improvements that benefit you and your art in the long run.

14. What has been one of the most toughest challenges throughout your career, and how did you overcome it?

Finding ways to make my work reach the masses. I know I have what it takes, but I just need more people looking into it. It's still something that's tough for me, but I just keep my consistency up and keep providing great content.

15. What are some of your goals you are looking forward to accomplish in 2023?

Definitely some more projects, growing my work, growing my fanbase & growing my notoriety.


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