The Purpose Story & Interview


 PURPOSE is an Independent Hip-Hop Artist from Indiana. A lyrical artist with a lot word play and always trying to spread a positive message with his music. Purpose tries to make sure there's some kind of substance in the music he writes. He began making music when he was around13  years of age and has not stopped since. Purpose has no plans in quitting music any time soon, he says " I put my all into everything I do and hopefully others will be able to to connect with that."



1.At what age did you know that you wanted to be an artist and how did you get started in the first place? 

I've always had a real deep connection with music since I was young and even just a beat can change my mood or mindset in just a few seconds. Listening to the artists I grew up listening too and seeing how they affected me, made me want to do the same thing for other people, but with my own twist and sound.

2. Who has been your biggest support throughout your journey as an artist? 

Complete strangers. There's plenty of people from my home town who show love and support and it means the world to me, but I swear some of the most love I get is from people who had no idea who I was until they stumbled upon my music. I got love for every single person who gives my music a chance. 

3.How do you prepare mentally before each and every show? 

My first thought before a show is, "No matter if there's one person out there or a thousand, I'm givin this ish my all and I'll make sure they remember who Purpose is". I treat every show like I'm about to preform at giant theatre,
 whether I am or not.

4. What song of yours has been the most personal to you and why? 

"Heart Heaven, Soul Heaven" was one where I had my son on the intro and outro and just poured it all out. It'll always be one of my favorites. Also, "Set Me Free". Which is another one where I really tried to dig deep and inspire others with my own personal stories and downfalls that helps push me towards success. 

5.what do you like most about the music making process and what discourages you the most? 

Finding a new beat and being able to feel it in my soul is always a feeling I love. Writing and come up with word play too. The mixing and mastering has always been my least favorite part though. When I can't get the perfect sound that I hear in my head, it drives me crazy. I always end up getting it, but my main love has always been for the writting and rapping before everything else. 

6. Who are some of your biggest influences and why? 

I was one of those kids who grew up on Eminem, 50 Cent & Lil Wayne. When I was about 13 I discovered J. Cole and he now sits at the top of my influences for sure. One of my all time favorites with his words, message, flow, and beat choices.

7.what are some things you have learned throughout your music career that has been very beneficial to your career as an artist?

Nobody is going to take you serious as an artist if you don't put out serious content and quality. I put so much thought into my words, how I portray myself, the music that I put out, my music video quality, and everything in-between. This music is my love, but it's still a business and you have to be professional if you want to be treated like a professional. 

8.How did your name "Purpose" come about? 

I had a old nickname that I used to go by that I got while I growing up, Kazper. When I was popping pills, getting in trouble and doing dumb ish. I never held a job or took anything serious. Then my son was born and a switch got flipped. My priorities and everything I was about changed in a second. My life had purpose and I wanted my music to have purpose too. So I changed the name and came back hard after I learned how to balance being a father and a artist chasing a dream.

9.Where do you see yourself in 5 years and what do you hope to accomplish? 

Growth. I know pursuing something like this takes time to achieve, but I set a goal for myself every year and as long as I'm growing I'm happy. In 5 years I would love to be on tour and collabing with a few artist I have my sights set on. Tons more music of course and at least one album a year, along with singles.

10. How do you want to be remembered at the end of your career? 

That my music held substance and that I never once gave up. I always tell myself, "How could I tell my son to chase his dreams if I'm willing to give up on mine?" and that's always been a huge push for me to never get up and it's helped get me to where I am now.

11. What artists would you like to work with in the future and why? 

J. Cole of course, Westside Boogie, Cal Scruby, Shakewell, Ludacris would be crazy, and NF too. That's just a few. There's not many artists that I wouldn't want to create something unique with. 

12.What was the inspiration behind your latest album "Paradox?" 

I've had the idea to name a album, "Pardox" since I was young and knew it was now time for it. The cover shows me walking on stairs that never end and trying to reach that promise land that I can see, but it's always so far away. It represents life and this journey that I'm on, but I know I WILL get there eventually, soon.

13.What advice would you give to someone looking to pursue a career in music? 

Everyone says it, but don't give up. If you truly believe you have it and you truly love music and the culture around it, go after it. So many people want to be "rappers" and so many fall off and give up. Don't be one of them.

14. What has been one of the most toughest challenges throughout your career, and how did you overcome it? 

Dealing with online haters. I'm always looking into algorithms and running ads, so of course I get people from all over who say some absolutely wild ish. But that's helped toughen me and now nothing gets under my skin any more. The love always out weighs the hate.


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